Sunday, April 3, 2011

Church, Concert & Powered Hang-gliding

Saturday a group of us went to church at Kapa'a. The students did the service. It was fantastic. I got such a blessing from it, hearing some of their testimonies - God really is working with these young people!

Saturday night they did a concert at the Performing Arts Center. We were all VERY worried as all they had to play on were the filming instruments - which are very cheap and nasty. Some of them were much 'the worse for wear' after been dragged around filming for 3 weeks. We all prayed hard that the Lord would 'tweek' the instruments so they would sound good. He sure answered our prayers - they sounded great! I am sure the angels came and played and sang with them!

I think they looked really great in their filming uniforms - a little more casual then the suits -which was a nice change.

I was given a lay - up the front at the concert! I was rather embaressed. They called some of us up and I was one of them - not really sure why, there were lots of other people who have worked hard on this trip which should have been up there too.
I wasn't even in the concert - I was out at the sales table and some one came running out calling me telling me to get up the front. So I did, not really knowing why! It was a nice surprise - it smelt lovely, it is such a shame that it won't last.

At 5.30am this morning (Sunday) we headed off to a small airport on the island so Alistair and Kyle could go powered hang gliding. The weather conditions were fantastic.
They got all suited up and headed out for an hour long trip.
They actually got to fly the gliders - it was a training session/scenic flight. They aren't allowed to give scenic flights so they give an intro to hang gliding to get round the 'red tape'.

Don't they look fetching!!

Check out that grin! It has been on his face all day!

They are neat looking contraptions - have an engine smaller than our jet-ski (100hp) - Tamzin wondered why we couldn't make our jet ski fly then! She thought we could slap some wings on it and away we go!! Kyle just shook his head.

Some of the sights they saw from the air - a shrimp farm.

They even saw whales - isn't that cool, they even got photos of them. They are Humpbacks.

Can you spot Alistair's hang glider? A little white speck.

They had a great time and we have some awsome photos which they took while up there - I wish I had gone now!

We did some shopping this afternoon. We came accros these HUGE crocs - they were even too big for Kyle's foot!

Alistair flew back to Canada at lunch time today - we head back tomorrow night. Can't believe our time is almost over already - it has been so much fun - and a bit tiring!

Tomorrow we will be busy packing and organizing ourselves ready for the flight home.

Tonight we are having a celebration supper - it looks amazing. I am sitting in the cafe waiting to par-take of this yummy looking food.


  1. wow, I love the whale picture! That's quite amazing!

  2. Awesome pictures. Glad it was you guys flying though and not me. I only fly out of necessity not for pleasure. Looking forward to the new DVD coming out - when will that be? No pressure or anything lol.
