Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Introducing Pippi

Kyle is smiling again!

She is SO cute.

Check out the crinkle whiskers!

On Sunday we picked up the new addition to our family - Pippi. 
She is a Jack Russell (with a touch of Miniture Pincher).  She is just over 7 weeks old.
She is super cute!  Very small though - I thought she would be bigger at this age, but I guess not.
She seems to be quite different than Missey was - Pippi is very determined!  I can see where the say "Like a dog with a bone" came from!

I forgot how much work these little critters are.  She is chewing everything in sight - including our toes!

It is nice to see Kyle smiling again.  He is really enjoying her.  He deals with her during the night (which is nice), and I deal with her during the day (while he is at school and work).

We still miss Missey very much, but hopefully Pippi will help fill the hole that Missey left.

1 comment:

  1. Oh good!! so glad for your family! I hope you have fun with your new addition! :)
