This last week the weather turned 'nasty' - it got down to -17, but with the wind chill factor it was down at -29. This sort of weather isn't normal here, it is usually around - 5. The pond froze overnight! I was a bit nervous about them walking on it cause I didn't think it could freeze that quickly - but it did.

Kyle doing a bit of skating (he ended up on his backside). Missey wasn't too sure about it at first, she thought it was water, but once she realized it was hard she was away, running all over the show sliding around on it - it was quite funny to watch.

Some ice Tamzin found on a puddle.

Kyle testing the ice to see if it will hold. Check out how thick the ice from the pond is.

The mountains around us look lovely with snow on them. We have only had a very light dusting of snow here on campus, but we had terrible winds as well, so it blew most of the snow away - much to Tamzin's disgust!
On Sabbath we had some students over for lunch. Allison, Moses and Eddy. They are all in grade 11 - a grade higher than Kyle. We had a great time getting to know them all a little better. Moses was trying to teach Kyle how to give a massage - Eddy was waiting in line to get one too!

On Tuesday Tamzin and I went down to the 'lower mainland' - Chilliwack. She had an appointment to see about getting braces on her teeth. Looks like we will be starting that lark in a few weeks.
We had a good trip down. I was worried with -17 C that the roads might be slippery, but they were as dry as a bone - which was nice.
We went to a new Walmart which had just opened - the biggest in Western Canada. We managed to do most of our shopping in there - it was nice.
Yesterday (Wed) the orchestra and choir did 2 concerts - both in Lillooet. One was at the high school during the day and the other was at a church in the evening. They both went well. After the evening concert when we came out - it was snowing lightly.
It really felt quite magical with the christmas lights around town and the snow drifting down. I love a northern hemisphere christmas.
All the decorations and lights are in the stops - it is nice seeing all the stuff, and how cheap it is. I haven't bought any yet, as I can't decide what to buy! I think we will just get a really nice reath to go on the door this year.
It hardly seems worth decorating the place up when we will be gone in California from the 7 Dec-20 Dec, then we are thinking of going up north for Christmas. So we won't be home much to enjoy looking at them.
Tomorrow the school is off on a 'mini' tour to Enderby, Kelowna and Penticton. Alistair and I will go too (in our own vehicle). They have another 'mini' tour the following weekend, the on the tuesday after that we are off to California on a 'big' tour. I can't believe how fast this year is going!
We are looking forward to our first Kiwi visitor arriving next week. Cassidy (my neice) is coming to spend a few weeks with us. I think she is in for a bit of a shock with the weather! It will be nice to see her.
Well we are off to have American Thanksgiving lunch in the cafe.............